Sunday, November 9, 2008


Now we have two new blogs! See below...

A new team of people has decided that Peabody still needs a blog for all good citizens to discuss the topics of importance for the City. It will be a group effort, with multiple people being posters, each with their own personality, strengths and short comings. Hopefully, with more than one set of hands at the wheel there will be both MORE postings and MORE FREQUENT updates of information.

The new blog is Peabody Roundtable.

So far everyone who is participating will remain behind a "handle" but they will maintain the same name throughout all their blog activities.

I am going to participate in this as well. So keep an eye out for the Peabody_Insider.

I welcome everyone to please come and check out the new blog (only one post and one poll so far) and please leave comments and suggestions.

Another new blog, Mr. Peabody is now up and running as well. It is using the domain name so maybe it is being run by some familiar (?) old faces?

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Peabody Issues of the Day

This thread will be an open one for now.

If a particular issue seems to need a separate post...
I will try and create it when I find the time.

Election Matters: Massachusetts

You asked for it folks... and here it is.
Please use this post as a place to discuss

The Massachusetts Elections of Interest

These would include, but are certainly not limited to:

State Senate: Fred Berry (unopposed)
State House: Joyce Spiliotis
Registrar of Probate: Pam O'Brien
Ballot Questions:
....1: Repeal the State Income Tax?
....2: Decriminalize Marijuana?
....3: Prohibit Dog Racing?

Election Matters: National

You asked for it folks... and here it is.
Please use this post as a place to discuss

The National Elections of Interest

These would include, but are certainly not limited to:

Presidential Race: Obama/Biden vs. McCain/Palin
US Senate: John Kerry vs. Jeffrey Beatty
US House: John Tierney vs. Richard Baker

Old Fred... Gone Again???

Perhaps it is a glitch in the system...

or perhaps Old Fred decided to call it quits(?)...

But my guess is that threats have again surfaced towards Old Fred (whichever one is (was?) running The Peabody Patriot most recently) and he has turned out the lights and gone into hiding.

Recently, his blog told about a RUMOR from City Hall that would involve some Major Players and that would be sure to please many of his readers.

That rumor was eventually discussed in the Salem News... and was quickly followed by the resignation of Director of Public Services, Richard Carnevale. The Mayor says that the two incidents are not linked and that Carnevale had been discussing a move back into the military for some time.
(Note: The Salem News has 'updated' the original story to include the resignation. It was NOT like that in the printed version I received on that day. HERE is the original as published.)

Perhaps. Perhaps not.

If I needed to guess, I would say that the comments posted by readers was probably what got Old Fred into a situation where he was being threatened... probably from people who were threatening legal actions rather than physical violence, but you never know.

Trust me... I have had both types of threats... as well as the constant one of "I will tell everyone who you really are!" that NEVER has actually happened, by the way. Blogging is not for the faint of heart.

I will actually NOT miss the Peabody Patriot of the past few months. It had turned into simply a place for people to scream and yell and blather on about how unfair the whole world is to them and EVERYONE in public service is terrible and should be arrested or worse. No discussion. No thoughtful commentary. No facts EVER to back up outrageous accusations.

That is... with a few selected persons who have a long track record of intelligently argued and well stated opinions... and who were willing to DISCUSS the issues in an open manner... even respecting those who might disagree with them.

Now... I DO MISS the Peabody Patriot of 5-6 months back. Things were lively and interesting and people were expressing viewpoints and were willing to have some give-and-take... even modifying their positions based on solid evidence and good information. I would like to think that I also learned quite a bit from others and many of my original ideas have been widened or even changed due to some other insightful readers.

I am making this post for two reasons: 1) I want to have a place where people can discuss the current situation concerning the loss of the Patriot and 2) I wanted to say good-bye in a public way (if indeed it really is gone for good.)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Brooksby Area Rezoning? BAD IDEA!

From the Salem News: --click here for complete article--

"Of the 237 affected parcels, 11 parcels (4 percent) could potentially be subdivided under existing zoning, Haney said. After the change, nine of those parcels could still qualify to subdivide, which means only two lots would be legally prevented from subdividing, he said.

Haney also said that the change would make 48 parcels (20 percent) "existing nonconforming," a designation that would require those property owners to get a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals if they were to expand their homes."

click for larger image
I fail to see where the possible developments are even buildable. To make 48 families properties become Existing Non-Conforming all to prevent TWO parcels from being subdivided is STUPID!

--Click for a larger image--

This is a zoning map of the area (As requested)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bottleneck or Danger Zone??

Here is an overlaid GoogleMaps image of greater Downtown Peabody, Ma.

I have draw
BY MEMORY ** where the roads are one land (red) or two lanes (green) in each direction.

Someone pointed out on Old Fred's Blog that if Main Street were to be reduced from the current two lanes in each direction to one lane (approximately 800' long section), that this would
NOT cause a bottleneck (as Gardner Park suggested) because it is already just one lane for the entire distance between Rt. 128 and Downtown Salem!

Click on the image for a larger view

** If I have made an error... please let me know and I will try and correct it.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Endicott and Warren Street

I have been told I am nuts because I have said that the area near the old school admin building is hardly a residential area.

Well, this image might explain why I see it as NOT just a residential area. In fact, it is not even close if you think of just the properties in the immediate vicinity.

This is a google Maps image with MY OWN interpretation of the land use.

But... you decide. {click on the image for a larger view}

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Things getting back to normal... finally!

It seems like Old Fred and Keith are both back up, maybe Keith on a somewhat limited basis, but it is very good to see folks getting back to the issues and engaging in some spirited and respectful debate!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I know who is X and Y and Z and...

You know what...

Who really cares!

IF you do a good job fairly discussing Peabody issues... no one is going to give a crud who you are... or I am, or anyone.

The Old Fred was doing a pretty good job... and I was an ass at times and hammered him when I thought he went too far... not because we disagreed, but because I thought he went too far.

The New Fred did a credible job showing me he WAS the old fred... (he answered some personal questions that happened in an email exchange we had). So I think he is who he says he is.

Keith, well he is Keith. I have no doubt about that. And he has done a good job here as well.

And I am not Keith. Nor am I Sean or Ted or Bill or Mike or Fred or whoever... NOBODY KNOWS who I am and that is FINE.

So let's stop the BS here, and at all the blogs and let's get back to discussing the issues in Peabody!

In the end... people are looking for a place (or places) where opinion and information can be exchanged in a safe and lively environment.

We have several opportunities here at present... and maybe more in the future too. Who knows.

But the fastest way to stop all this is to sit around and play the he said, she said, who is he, I know her game.

So no more of that at my site. And Keith has been pretty good about keeping his place free of this stuff as well.

Don't get me wrong... if something needs to be said... I have a pretty big mouth and will speak my peace.

But let's talk about something that might MATTER!

Like THIS!
MetroFuture - Greater Boston Planning for the Next 25 Years (Including Peabody).

The Recently Adopted Plan
An Editorial in the Salem Evening News.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Back to business

Perhaps the best way to deal with the interesting activities of the past few days is simply to return to what we have been doing around here in the first place... discussing the important issues facing the City of Peabody and what we can all do to make it a better place.

I welcome any thoughts and comments.

Be-fouling the Blogosphere?

Hello Fellow Confused Blog-o-spherians:

NOTE: I may be wrong concerning our newest member of the Peabody Bloggers... but I am not sure. I do not write to TELL YOU what to think, only to remind you to THINK. Time will tell if this new blogger is interested in making Peabody a better place or has some other business in mind. Also, I added Keith back per his request.

Well, the times they are indeed a'changin.

Seems that Keith has decided to go silent for a while. I think that whatever Keith needs to do is fine with me. I hope he returns to blogging in the very near future. I am glad for all the things he has tried to do for the City and its Citizens.

I see that a False Fred has joined the fray. Please understand that I believe he is NOT the Ole Fred we have enjoyed in the past. And the blog he purported to have open... is, in-fact, a fraud. I do not trust comments made from the ole fred poster.

And, of course, we have Pat. Now, if you are a fan of Saturday Night Live, you might remember another Pat, portrayed by Julia Sweeney, who played a character who wasn't quite discernible as either a man or a woman. Well, we have had our own Peabody version of a comedy skit revolving around the name of Pat, Pat Patriot to be exact.

Over time, we have been told that there have been at least 3 different Pats... and then this has been denied and other allegations tossed about, but now we seem to have a NEW PAT.

This New Pat is a craft little devil. So far he (and I am pretty sure it is a he) has claimed to have stolen the domain name from the Old Pat, he has linked it to both Keith's (shuttered) site and to Mayor Bonfanti's election website. He has obviously created 'buzz' by posting over and over again at his new site using different anonymous names. Some of these are familiar ones he has usurped and others are simply there to provide agreement with his initial views.

The odd thing is that the views are entirely, and enthusiastically, Pro City Administration. But they are TOO over the top for anyone to honestly believe that they are anything else than false praise. A none-to-clever attempt to bring scorn to the City Leaders by heaping so much LOVE onto them that it is impossible to not find some point to disagree with.

So I have removed my link to New Pat's blog. I have removed my link to Keith's blog as well (per his polite request). Note: Keith did NOT express any hostility toward me in any way - certainly not as was characterized by New Pat. In fact, I have removed other blogs entirely, and only have a link to the City of Peabody website.

Finally, I do not actually believe that New Pat is indeed a New Pat. I think that it is the Old Pat. Old Pat has proven himself to be a rather vile and dark person. I have personally been threatened by him and know he has done the same to others. He is neither interested in a fair assessment of the issues nor a spirited give-and-take on important topics and ideas.

Like many of the original members of the PCBG discussion board, he is only interested in hearing himself talk and others agree with him.

I don't say this to prejudice you against him, but rather to inform you as to why my comments might be interpreted as being angry or negative at times.

I will continue to allow comments on my blog. However, I reserve the right to delete what I see as inappropriate or threatening in any way.

And, as is stated on my blog front page, this is only a TEST BLOG! It will remain simply as a way for folks to converse who have no other method.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Pat Phrases

It turns out we have yet another blog which has cast its eyes upon the fine City of Peabody. But this is not (well not yet anyway) a ringing endorsement of this newest endeavor.

It seems that the Old Pat Patriot, a man who pretty much I can say was NOT a fan of the Peabody Insider, has decided to allow his URL to lapse. (For those of you NOT into the web-world, this means he did NOT pay to continue to have control of

So a NEW person, one who claims to be PRO-PEABODY in every sense of the word, has opened a NEW BLOG at I point this out to make sure readers understand the giant difference between what you might be expecting and what you might be seeing.

Old Pat's blog, has long since faded into web oblivion...
as will Old Fred's blog (

So far I have seen nothing but silly postings, comments and recomments by the original poster (disguised as others), falsely claiming to be well known posters (such as OG) and already threats to out yours truly.

I will let this blog stew for a few days before I make my personal judgment on it. Perhaps it is suffering from opening day jitters? Perhaps it is run by a bunch of middle schoolers who found their first 6-pack? Whatever the situation, I will try and continue to provide simple straightforward insight when I feel my 2-cents has some value.

While I am skeptical... I am hoping for better things from the NPP.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Farewell Old Fred and Peabody Patriot

Well folks...

It seems that Old Fred has packed up the Peabody Patriot and has gone into retirement.

I just want to thank him for offering us all a place to discuss the issues the mattered to the Citizens of Peabody.

It was sometimes lively and productive, and other times is was contentious and angry, but it was rarely uninteresting and never boring.

So FAREWELL Old Fred... I hope your retirement is both fun and fruitful.

I would suggest the if people are looking for a place to discuss the matters important to Peabody and its citizens...
You try visiting Tanner City and consider joining the conversation there.
NOTE: Keith has decided to shutter his blog at this time.

Again, Thanks for all your hard work Old Fred!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Where has the Peabody Patriot gone?

Not sure if I have anything to add besides that headline.

This afternoon, May 23, 2008, The Peabody Patriot blog has gone off the air.

Hopefully it is simply a glitch and it will be back.
All the best Old Fred.

Drop us a line and let us know what is up.

Friday, March 14, 2008

That's why it is called a TEST BLOG....


I had someone get a complaint to me
that I have NOT been updating my blog...
or posting new material...

That is correct!

See, this is a place to test out some things
and to be able to post some images or
other items as I need to while posting in other blogs.

Note: I have removed the link
to the Involved Mom's blog site
which was discussing the Peabody school system.
I also got word that some shenanigans were going on
and that what you are seeing is NOT what should be on that blog.
So I have decided to remove my link.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Old School Admin Building on Endicott St.

The Salem News reported that
North Shore Community Health
wants to relocate from Foster St.
to the old school administration building
at 70 Endicott Street.

The Industrial and Community Development Committee
met last Thursday to consider proposals for this site.
Only 2 were submitted, a new 2-story health care facility
and one for 4 new single family homes.

The developer for the home sites did not attend and
the Community Development department stated
that their project proposal lacked the required information.

The Health Center is a different story.
They want the property for $1 as a non-profit.
And, since they are non-profit, it would not generate taxes.
They also have a problem with too little parking on-site.
The rules require 60 spaces while there is only room for 30.

My personal feeling is that this is a
and the City should do what it can to
help this project become a reality.

To that end... I have located a few possible
Parking Solutions for this small site.
One possible solution is to SHARE parking.

The church parking lot at 79 Endicott
is EMPTY on weekdays at just the time that
people need to park to visit the health center!

The parking lots for the various condos on
Warren St. are also mostly EMPTY and could
be used by visitors to the health center!

Also, the PMLP has a few spaces for
parking along Warren St. Extension.
These spaces could be expanded onto both sides
of the street allowing for staff parking all day.

On final option might be to construct
a parking area within the boundary
of the Berry St. Garage again for staff use.

Someone suggested we build a Children's Museum
like the one in Boston which charges
high prices for admission. So perhaps a little comparison is in order...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Northshore Mall

A question concerning
the Northshore Mall...
Isn't the mall the biggest
tax payer in the City?

I don't know the answer but I did
look up the mall property
on the Peabody GIS website

As you can see, the "mall" is
actually several parcels.
Here is some additional information.

Main Mall Property 69.57 acres $ 213.0 Million
NW Corner (Macy's) 12.75 acres $ 18.4 M
West (Macy's Home) 7.59 acres $ 8.8 M
SE (was JCP) 7.62 acres $ 12.2 M
NE (Sears Auto) 3.6 acres $ 7.0 M

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Eastman 2 - Wetlands and elevations

Please Note:
These images and comments were
made before the
hearing at City Hall where
a plan was shown.
I have NOT seen this plan nor was I in
attendance at the meeting.
I am simply stating the facts
so people understand that
these images are NOT the REAL plan.

The property I am calling
the "Guess-timate" is NOT
in the wetlands area
(as per the City GIS)
and it is almost entirely above
the 12m (~36') elevation

Could this the first step in Eastman leaving??

(NOTE: I goofed!
Salem Country Club
has the most acreage,
making Eastman number 2)

Eastman Gelatin, the SECOND largest land owner
in the City of Peabody (after the City itself),
is asking for subdivision approval

to construct a 16-unit subdivision near the corner
of Summit and Forest Streets.

I have made a GUESS-timate of the

location and size of the subdivision

This land is zoned R1A - or 1-family Residential
(below is from City GIS Zoning Database)

Here is some information on the R1A zoning district...

From Peabody Zoning Ordinance (2003)


For the purpose of this ordinance, the City of Peabody is hereby divided into the following zoning districts:

District General Purpose

R-1 Single Family Residence
R-1A Single Family Residence
R-1B Single Family Residence
R-2 Single Family and Two Family Residence
R-3 Multiple Family Residence
R-4 Multiple Family Residence
R-5 Multiple Family Residence
PRD Planned Residential Development
MH Mobile Homes
B-R Regional Business
B-C Central Business
B-H Highway Business
B-H2 Business Highway Light Industry
B-N Neighborhood Convenience Business
B-N2 Neighborhood Business
I-L Light Industry
I-P Industrial Park
DDD Designated Development District
FPWD Flood Plain/Wetlands District
MPRD Municipal Properties Reuse District
MU Mixed Use Overlay Zone
HP Hillside Protection Overlay Zone
SWPD Surface Water Protection District
GPD Groundwater Protection District

(Ord. of 6-27-78, § 1(3.1); Ord. of 10-1-81, § 1; Ord. of 9-16-82, § 3; Ord. of 6-23-83, § 1; Ord. of 5-10-84, § 11; Ord. of 10-11-84, § 7; Ord. of 11-21-96, § 4; Ord. of 5-14-98, § 1) Editors Note: The DDD, designated development district, has been added to subsection 3.1 by the editor in light of an ordinance adopted April 28, 1988.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


No building or structure shall be erected, altered or used and no premises shall be used for any purpose or in any manner other than as set forth in section 4.2 schedule of use regulations in this ordinance and in accordance with the following notation:

x = permitted use. a = allowed use under a special permit by the city council. blank = prohibited use

Uses permitted and uses allowed by the city council shall be in conformity with all the density and dimension of regulations and any other requirements of this ordinance.

This is the allowable zoning for the R1A zoning district...

This is the areal dimensions for the R1A zoning district...
Minimum lots size = 15,000 sq. ft.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Spinelli's is in Peabody!

The fine(?) people at Spinelli's are simply telling
a little white lie (Green $$$ Lie?)
when they call themselves

Spinelli's in Lynnfield!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A more accurate location for the clearing project...

This is where Skinny thought the clearing was taking place

Parcel ID 057-074
Deed Book 4147
Deed Page 322
Deed Date 0
Address 128 NEWBURY ST PEABODY, MA 01960
Building Value $138,800
Land Value $827,200
Total Value $966,000
Acres 18.322

Zoning R1
State Class Code 323
Fiscal Year 2008
Sale Date 20041208
Sale Price $20,000

Construction behind World Class Billiard on Rt. 1?

This image shows the site
as the building next door was completed.

Note the semi-circular row of small
plantings in the rear of the Billiards site.

This view (below) shows the next door site in early construction

This view (below) shows the next door site in early construction

This view (below) shows the next door site in late construction
Notice the completed planting in the rear of the billiards site

This view (below) shows the next door site in late construction

I have not seen the construction debris
that OG and others have mentioned.
However, based on the site plans (see below)
any construction in the "rear" area of this site
would seem to be on the condominium property,
NOT on the properties facing Route One.

No info was available on the Condo Parcel at the City of Peabody GIS

Billiard Building
Parcel ID 068-017

Deed Book 22590
Deed Page 85
Deed Date 20040331
Address 1060 PARK AVE CRANSTON, RI 02910-3225
Building Value $1,357,700
Land Value $922,100
Total Value $2,279,800
Acres 1.194
Zoning BH
State Class Code 323
Fiscal Year 2008
Sale Date 20040331
Sale Price $2,200,000

Monday, January 14, 2008

Site of Interest update

I updated the Peabody Sites of Interest Map
based on some information from an Anon regarding
some property DiBiase might be developing in the near future.

HERE is the link

The Parcels numbered below match to the lists under the image

1) Property ID 110-002X


Parcel ID 110-002X
Deed Book 16455
Deed Page 108
Deed Date 20000718
Address PO BOX 780 LYNNFIELD, MA 01940
Building Value $0
Land Value $478,800
Total Value $478,800
Acres 38.282
Style NONE
Zoning R1
State Class Code 130
Fiscal Year 2008
Sale Date 0
Sale Price $0

2) Property ID 116-255

Parcel ID 116-255
Deed Book 16455
Deed Page 108
Deed Date 20000718
Address PO BOX 780 LYNNFIELD, MA 01940
Building Value $0
Land Value $389,500
Total Value $389,500
Acres 38
Style NONE
Zoning R1
State Class Code 132
Fiscal Year 2008
Sale Date 0
Sale Price $0

3) is owned by City of Peabody 38 acres
4) is owned by City of Peabody 91.5 acres
5) is owned by Eastman Gelatine Corp. 159 acres (This might be part of the land recently purchased by the City in the Sid's Pond property)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Peabody Sites of Interest

I have created a GoogleMaps personal map
of the places in Peabody that have been or are being discussed
on the various Peabody Blogs.

Simply click the image to go to this site!

FEMA Q3 Flood Legend


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Interesting Images Concerning the new Sports Complex

Here are some interesting images
(mostly from google or the City website)
concerning the Sports Complex on Rt. 1

Note: Numbers correspond to list below

Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4 together make up approx. 13.47 acres

1) Parcel ID 035-037
Deed Book
Deed Page
Deed Date 0
Address 194 NEWBURY ST PEABODY, MA 01960
Building Value $1,200
Land Value $1,167,300
Total Value $1,168,500
Acres 1.6
Zoning IL
State Class Code 338
Fiscal Year 2007
Sale Date 20070508
Sale Price $1,550,000
2) Parcel ID 035-038X
Deed Book 9450
Deed Page 243
Deed Date 19880330
Address 360 AUDUBON RD WAKEFIELD, MA 01880
Building Value $4,500
Land Value $1,761,300
Total Value $1,765,800
Acres 8.92
Zoning IL
State Class Code 316
Fiscal Year 2007
Sale Date 20070508
Sale Price $1,950,000
3) Parcel ID 035-037A
Deed Book 5947
Deed Page 385
Deed Date 19740000
Address 194 NEWBURY ST PEABODY, MA 01960
Building Value $0
Land Value $74,400
Total Value $74,400
Acres 0.462
Zoning IL
State Class Code 441
Fiscal Year 2007
Sale Date 20070508
Sale Price $1,550,000
4) Parcel ID 035-038A
Deed Book 9450
Deed Page 248
Deed Date 19880330
Address 360 AUDUBON RD WAKEFIELD, MA 01880
Building Value $0
Land Value $200,600
Total Value $200,600
Acres 2.492
Zoning R1
State Class Code 440
Fiscal Year 2007
Sale Date 20070508
Sale Price $1,950,000
5) Parcel ID 035-048
Deed Book
Deed Page
Deed Date 0
Address 24 LOWELL ST PEABODY, MA 01960
Building Value $0
Land Value $134,300
Total Value $134,300
Acres 6
Style NONE
Zoning R1
State Class Code 903
Fiscal Year 2007
Sale Date 0
Sale Price $0
6) Parcel ID 034-020
Deed Book
Deed Page
Deed Date 0
Building Value $19,600
Land Value $305,900
Total Value $325,500
Acres 1.9
Zoning R1
State Class Code 910
Fiscal Year 2007
Sale Date 0
Sale Price $0
7) Parcel ID 035-042
Deed Book 7030
Deed Page 530
Deed Date 19930112
Address 24 LOWELL ST PEABODY, MA 01960
Building Value $0
Land Value $10,300
Total Value $10,300
Acres 2.3
Style NONE
Zoning R1
State Class Code 917
Fiscal Year 2007
Sale Date 0
Sale Price $0
8) Parcel ID 035-043
Deed Book 7030
Deed Page 530
Deed Date 19830112
Address 24 LOWELL ST PEABODY, MA 01960
Building Value $0
Land Value $7,600
Total Value $7,600
Acres 1.699
Style NONE
Zoning R1
State Class Code 917
Fiscal Year 2007
Sale Date 0
Sale Price $0
9) Parcel ID 035-047
Deed Book 6971
Deed Page 155
Deed Date 19820801
Address 24 LOWELL ST PEABODY, MA 01960
Building Value $0
Land Value $17,500
Total Value $17,500
Acres 3.9
Style NONE
Zoning R1
State Class Code 903
Fiscal Year 2007
Sale Date 0
Sale Price $0
10) Parcel ID 034-013
Deed Book 9818
Deed Page 6
Deed Date 19881214
Address 24 LOWELL ST PEABODY, MA 01960
Building Value $0
Land Value $38,800
Total Value $38,800
Acres 8.67
Style NONE
Zoning R1
State Class Code 903
Fiscal Year 2007
Sale Date 0
Sale Price $0
11) Parcel ID 034-015
Deed Book
Deed Page
Deed Date 0
Address 24 LOWELL ST PEABODY, MA 01960
Building Value $148,300
Land Value $2,121,600
Total Value $2,269,900
Acres 10.8
Zoning R1
State Class Code 909
Fiscal Year 2007
Sale Date 0
Sale Price $0
12) Parcel ID 026-041
Deed Book 11075
Deed Page 172
Deed Date 19911227
Building Value $47,600
Land Value $394,800
Total Value $442,400
Acres 9.51
Zoning R1
State Class Code 393
Fiscal Year 2007
Sale Date 19911201
Sale Price $165,000
13) Parcel ID 035-021
Deed Book 5332
Deed Page 297
Deed Date 19660107
Address P O BOX 620626 NEWTON, MA 02462
Building Value $2,723,900
Land Value $4,106,900
Total Value $6,830,800
Acres 8.21
Zoning BN
State Class Code 323
Fiscal Year 2007
Sale Date 0
Sale Price $0
14) Parcel ID 035-036
Deed Book 12774
Deed Page 178
Deed Date 19941005
Address 312 LYNN FELLS PKWY SAUGUS, MA 01906
Building Value $1,656,800
Land Value $1,275,900
Total Value $2,932,700
Acres 3
Zoning IL
State Class Code 323
Fiscal Year 2007
Sale Date 19931201
Sale Price $285,000
15) Parcel ID 047-031B
Deed Book 23879
Deed Page 278
Deed Date 20050120
Address 9 PINE ST PEABODY, MA 01960
Building Value $336,800
Land Value $195,200
Total Value $532,000
Acres 0.68
Zoning R1
State Class Code 101
Fiscal Year 2007
Sale Date 20070514
Sale Price $570,000
16) Parcel ID 047-031A
Deed Book 24024
Deed Page 377
Deed Date 20050304
Address 7 PINE ST PEABODY, MA 01960
Building Value $308,200
Land Value $191,000
Total Value $499,200
Acres 0.465
Zoning R1
State Class Code 101
Fiscal Year 2007
Sale Date 20050304
Sale Price $539,900


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Another blog about Peabody? What gives?

Not really certain this is going to happen yet...

Hello fellow residents of the City of Peabody, Massachusetts.

We have been lucky to have so much interest in our City lately... at least in blog form.
These blogs have had a few growing pains and are still working out the kinks... but each has something to offer.
I hope that by starting yet another alternative place for people to comment on our City, we can find some common ground and move forward towards a better Peabody for all its citizens.