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Perhaps the best way to deal with the interesting activities of the past few days is simply to return to what we have been doing around here in the first place... discussing the important issues facing the City of Peabody and what we can all do to make it a better place.
I welcome any thoughts and comments.
Hello Fellow Confused Blog-o-spherians:
NOTE: I may be wrong concerning our newest member of the Peabody Bloggers... but I am not sure. I do not write to TELL YOU what to think, only to remind you to THINK. Time will tell if this new blogger is interested in making Peabody a better place or has some other business in mind. Also, I added Keith back per his request.
Well, the times they are indeed a'changin.
Seems that Keith has decided to go silent for a while. I think that whatever Keith needs to do is fine with me. I hope he returns to blogging in the very near future. I am glad for all the things he has tried to do for the City and its Citizens.
I see that a False Fred has joined the fray. Please understand that I believe he is NOT the Ole Fred we have enjoyed in the past. And the blog he purported to have open... is, in-fact, a fraud. I do not trust comments made from the ole fred poster.
And, of course, we have Pat. Now, if you are a fan of Saturday Night Live, you might remember another Pat, portrayed by Julia Sweeney, who played a character who wasn't quite discernible as either a man or a woman. Well, we have had our own Peabody version of a comedy skit revolving around the name of Pat, Pat Patriot to be exact.
Over time, we have been told that there have been at least 3 different Pats... and then this has been denied and other allegations tossed about, but now we seem to have a NEW PAT.
This New Pat is a craft little devil. So far he (and I am pretty sure it is a he) has claimed to have stolen the domain name from the Old Pat, he has linked it to both Keith's (shuttered) site and to Mayor Bonfanti's election website. He has obviously created 'buzz' by posting over and over again at his new site using different anonymous names. Some of these are familiar ones he has usurped and others are simply there to provide agreement with his initial views.
The odd thing is that the views are entirely, and enthusiastically, Pro City Administration. But they are TOO over the top for anyone to honestly believe that they are anything else than false praise. A none-to-clever attempt to bring scorn to the City Leaders by heaping so much LOVE onto them that it is impossible to not find some point to disagree with.
So I have removed my link to New Pat's blog. I have removed my link to Keith's blog as well (per his polite request). Note: Keith did NOT express any hostility toward me in any way - certainly not as was characterized by New Pat. In fact, I have removed other blogs entirely, and only have a link to the City of Peabody website.
Finally, I do not actually believe that New Pat is indeed a New Pat. I think that it is the Old Pat. Old Pat has proven himself to be a rather vile and dark person. I have personally been threatened by him and know he has done the same to others. He is neither interested in a fair assessment of the issues nor a spirited give-and-take on important topics and ideas.
Like many of the original members of the PCBG discussion board, he is only interested in hearing himself talk and others agree with him.
I don't say this to prejudice you against him, but rather to inform you as to why my comments might be interpreted as being angry or negative at times.
I will continue to allow comments on my blog. However, I reserve the right to delete what I see as inappropriate or threatening in any way.
And, as is stated on my blog front page, this is only a TEST BLOG! It will remain simply as a way for folks to converse who have no other method.
It turns out we have yet another blog which has cast its eyes upon the fine City of Peabody. But this is not (well not yet anyway) a ringing endorsement of this newest endeavor.
It seems that the Old Pat Patriot, a man who pretty much I can say was NOT a fan of the Peabody Insider, has decided to allow his URL to lapse. (For those of you NOT into the web-world, this means he did NOT pay to continue to have control of
So a NEW person, one who claims to be PRO-PEABODY in every sense of the word, has opened a NEW BLOG at I point this out to make sure readers understand the giant difference between what you might be expecting and what you might be seeing.
Old Pat's blog, has long since faded into web oblivion...
as will Old Fred's blog (
So far I have seen nothing but silly postings, comments and recomments by the original poster (disguised as others), falsely claiming to be well known posters (such as OG) and already threats to out yours truly.
I will let this blog stew for a few days before I make my personal judgment on it. Perhaps it is suffering from opening day jitters? Perhaps it is run by a bunch of middle schoolers who found their first 6-pack? Whatever the situation, I will try and continue to provide simple straightforward insight when I feel my 2-cents has some value.
While I am skeptical... I am hoping for better things from the NPP.
Well folks...
It seems that Old Fred has packed up the Peabody Patriot and has gone into retirement.
I just want to thank him for offering us all a place to discuss the issues the mattered to the Citizens of Peabody.
It was sometimes lively and productive, and other times is was contentious and angry, but it was rarely uninteresting and never boring.
So FAREWELL Old Fred... I hope your retirement is both fun and fruitful.
I would suggest the if people are looking for a place to discuss the matters important to Peabody and its citizens...
You try visiting Tanner City and consider joining the conversation there.
NOTE: Keith has decided to shutter his blog at this time.
Again, Thanks for all your hard work Old Fred!
Not sure if I have anything to add besides that headline.
This afternoon, May 23, 2008, The Peabody Patriot blog has gone off the air.
Hopefully it is simply a glitch and it will be back.
All the best Old Fred.
Drop us a line and let us know what is up.